Diagnosis and Repairs

Diagnosis and Evaluation

Over the course of time, residential and commercial buildings can develop issues which can only be identified, analyzed, and evaluated by an experienced Licensed Professional. Here at Tauscher Cronacher, we only provide our clients with a team of professional and qualified engineers and architects that are capable of providing definite and feasible solutions to existing and potential problems on the property.

Our inspections are done by licensed Professional Engineers and Registered Architects to guarantee objective and comprehensive findings. We make sure that our recommendations are doable, affordable, and based on expert understanding to properly address all problems found.

With our Professional Diagnosis and Repair services, our clients can rest assured that all repairable issues on their property are addressed and remediated, thus preventing them from escalating into more serious and costly problems in the future.

Repair Design

Foundations and framing are essentially considered the most critical structural component of any residential structure. Thus, when cracks or unevenness begin to appear, expert advice from an experienced Professional Engineer/Registered Architect must be obtained to rehabilitate the structural integrity of your house.

Tauscher Cronacher can help you formulate and implement solutions designed not to only tackle the problems upfront but also actionable and financially feasible. We are a licensed Professional Engineer firm whose signatures and seals are accredited by the state and local government. Our team will also provide you with the necessary assistance so you can better understand the nature and cause of the problems and to develop proper measures and plan to resolve the issues.

Builder Services

Tauscher Cronacher also provides reliable Third-Party Quality Assurance Programs and Risk Management Services to residential construction company owners and contractors. For more details and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.